    IPN-Dharma AI Lab

    This is an IPN CIC - DHARMA initiative to provide an Artificial Intelligence Laboratory to motivate researchers, professors and students to take advantage of the courses, resources and tools of the main technology platforms of the industry in the areas of Machine Learning, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things with the purpose of generating a practical experience through a learning model between peers and by objectives.

    Level 2: Contextual Knowledge

    Machine Learning

    Are you ready to start practicing machine learning? Learn and apply fundamental machine learning concepts with the Crash Course, Google's fast-paced, practical introduction to machine learning, a self-study guide for aspiring machine learning practitioners. Then, continue with other courses that will allow you to delve into this exciting topic.

    Courses in this program

    1) Machine Learning Crash Course with TensorFlow APIs

    This course teaches the basics of machine learning through a series of lessons that include video lectures from researchers at Google, text written specifically for newcomers to ML, interactive visualizations of algorithms in action and real-world case studies. While learning new concepts, you'll immediately put them into practice with coding exercises that walk you through implementing models in TensorFlow, an open-source machine intelligence library.

    Some of the questions answered in this course:
    • How does machine learning differ from traditional programming?
    • What is loss, and how do I measure it?
    • How does gradient descent work?
    • How do I determine whether my model is effective?
    • How do I represent my data so that a program can learn from it?
    • How do I build a deep neural network?

    Esfuerzo  Estimated effort 15 hours

    Idioma  English language

    Link  Google Developers

    2) Introduction to Machine Learning Problem Framing

    Welcome to Introduction to Machine Learning Problem Framing! This course helps you frame machine learning (ML) problems. This course does not cover how to implement ML or work with data.

    Course Learning Objectives:
    • Define common ML terms.
    • Describe examples of products that use ML and general methods of ML problem-solving used in each.
    • Identify whether to solve a problem with ML.
    • Compare and contrast ML to other programming methods.
    • Apply hypothesis testing and the scientific method to ML problems.
    • Have conversations about ML problem-solving methods.

    Esfuerzo  Estimated effort 1 hour

    Idioma  English language

    Link  Google Developers

    3) Data Preparation and Feature Engineering for Machine Learning

    Machine learning helps us find patterns in data—patterns we then use to make predictions about new data points. To get those predictions right, we must construct the data set and transform the data correctly. This course covers these two key steps. We'll also see how training/serving considerations play into these steps.

    Course Learning Objectives:
    • Recognize the relative impact of data quality and size to algorithms.
    • Set informed and realistic expectations for the time to transform the data.
    • Explain a typical process for data collection and transformation within the overall ML workflow.
    • Collect raw data and construct a data set.
    • Sample and split your data set with considerations for imbalanced data.
    • Transform numerical and categorical data.

    Esfuerzo  Estimated effort 3 hours

    Idioma  English language

    Link  Google Developers

    4) Clustering in Machine Learning

    The clustering self-study is an implementation-oriented introduction to clustering.

    Course Learning Objectives:
    • Define clustering for ML applications.
    • Prepare data for clustering.
    • Define similarity for your dataset.
    • Compare manual and supervised similarity measures.
    • Use the k-means algorithm to cluster data.
    • Evaluate the quality of your clustering result.

    Esfuerzo  Estimated effort 4 hours

    Idioma  English language

    Link  Google Developers

    5) Recommendation Systems

    Welcome to Recommendation Systems! We've designed this course to expand your knowledge of recommendation systems and explain different models used in recommendation, including matrix factorization and deep neural networks.

    Course Learning Objectives:
    • Describe the purpose of recommendation systems.
    • Understand the components of a recommendation system including candidate generation, scoring, and re-ranking.
    • Use embeddings to represent items and queries.
    • Develop a deeper technical understanding of common techniques used in candidate generation.
    • Use TensorFlow to develop two models used for recommendation: matrix factorization and softmax.

    Esfuerzo  Estimated effort 4 hours

    Idioma  English language

    Link  Google Developers

    6) Testing and Debugging in Machine Learning

    Welcome to Testing and Debugging in Machine Learning! Testing and debugging machine learning systems differs significantly from testing and debugging traditional software. This course describes how, starting from debugging your model all the way to monitoring your pipeline in production.

    Course Learning Objectives:
    • Validate raw feature data and engineered feature data.
    • Debug a ML model to make the model work.
    • Implement tests that simplify debugging.
    • Optimize a working ML model.
    • Monitor model metrics during development, launch, and production.

    Esfuerzo  Estimated effort 4 hours

    Idioma  English language

    Link  Google Developers

    7) Generative Adversarial Networks

    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are an exciting recent innovation in machine learning. GANs are generative models: they create new data instances that resemble your training data. This course covers GAN basics, and also how to use the TF-GAN library to create GANs.

    Course Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the difference between generative and discriminative models.
    • Identify problems that GANs can solve.
    • Understand the roles of the generator and discriminator in a GAN system.
    • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of common GAN loss functions.
    • Identify possible solutions to common problems with GAN training.
    • Use the TF GAN library to make a GAN.

    Esfuerzo  Estimated effort 4 hours

    Idioma  English language

    Link  Google Developers

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