IPN-Dharma IA Lab
Es una iniciativa de Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial del CIC del IPN con la colaboración de DHARMA para motivar a investigadores, profesores y estudiantes a aprovechar los cursos, recursos y herramientas de las principales plataformas tecnológicas de la industria en las áreas de Aprendizaje Automático, Ciencia de Datos, Computación en la Nube, Inteligencia Artificial e Internet de las Cosas con el propósito de generar una experiencia práctica a través de un modelo de aprendizaje entre pares y por objetivos.
Nivel 1: Alfabetización y Fundamentos
Docker Essentials
Containers are a standard way to package an application and all its dependencies so that the application can be moved between environments and run without changes. Containers work by isolating the application inside the container so that everything outside the container can be standardized.
Cursos en este programa
1) Docker Essentials: A Developer Introduction
Docker has provided a set of tools to simplify the use of containers. This has led to massive adoption of containers by developers and operators. In this course, you will focus mostly on Docker container technologies.
In this course, you'll follow a series of hands-on labs that demonstrate how to use containers for your applications. You'll start with the basics: creating and running your first Docker containers. By the end of the course, you'll get a brief introduction to running containers in production and how to solve problems of advanced orchestration such as high availability, service discovery, and reconciliation.
In this course, you'll follow a series of hands-on labs that demonstrate how to use containers for your applications. You'll start with the basics: creating and running your first Docker containers. By the end of the course, you'll get a brief introduction to running containers in production and how to solve problems of advanced orchestration such as high availability, service discovery, and reconciliation.